Effortless Data Assurance: Streamlining DHCP Server Backup with an Automatic Script

# Script Name: DHCPServersBackup.ps1
# Version: 1.0
# Author: Umesh Kumar
# Website: waytoinfotech.com
# More info: https://www.waytoinfotech.com/dhcpserversbackup
# Description: Used to backup DHCP database and logs from the DHCP server
# to another location for DR purposes
# Change with your backup location
$FolderName = "C:\script\DHCP-Backup\"
# if AllDHCPServers text file is not exist in the folder, it's will be automatically create folder and
# open folder, please put your input and then save (Servername)
if(-not(Test-path $FolderName\AllDHCPServers.txt))
New-Item $FolderName\AllDHCPServers.txt
start $FolderName\AllDHCPServers.txt
Write-Host "File Exists"
#remote DHCPServers list
$DHCPServers= Get-Content -Path "$FolderName\AllDHCPServers.txt"
if (Test-Path $FolderName) {
Write-Host "Folder Exists"
# Perform Delete file from folder operation
#PowerShell Create directory if not exists
New-Item $FolderName -ItemType Directory
Write-Host "Folder Created successfully"
$FolderName1 = "$FolderName\Logs"
if (Test-Path $FolderName1) {
Write-Host "Folder Exists"
# Perform Delete file from folder operation
#PowerShell Create directory if not exists
New-Item $FolderName1 -ItemType Directory
Write-Host "Folder Created successfully"
Start-Transcript -Path $FolderName1\Transcript.log
foreach ($DHCPServer in $DHCPServers)
Write-Host "Currently the script is copying files on" $DHCPServer
set-location $FolderName
#$path=new-item -type directory $(get-date -f dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm)
$path = "$FolderName-$DHCPServer$((Get-Date).ToString('dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm'))"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path
Backup-DhcpServer -ComputerName $DHCPServer -Path "$path"
#remove older then 15days
Get-ChildItem -Path "$FolderName" -Directory -recurse| where {$_.LastWriteTime -le $(get-date).AddDays(-15)} | Remove-Item -recurse -force
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